We had a delightful sail from Atlantic City to Cape May. The wind was from the West to Northwest, putting us on a reach to a close reach all day. There are few places to anchor at Cape May, although for a boat as shallow draft as our catamaran, this would really not have been a problem.
Our friends from Barnegat Inlet went to a marina but invited us to join them for dinner. We never made it.
Bev radioed the Great Catsby that had passed us on our eventful run between Sandy Hook and Barnegat Inlet to let them know that we had photos of them. They invited us over for drinks and that turned into dinner. It is extremely handy to be married to someone with as much charm as my wife.
As it turned out, the Great Catsby seems to make it a habit of taking in apparently homeless, lost or single sailors.
The boat, a Manta 42 was an incredible marvel. It is to the Stray Cat as the Millenium Falcon (a new one, that is, where everything works - not the one in Star Wars) is to a 50s Volkswagen. I guess sailing technology has evolved in a serious manner in the last 35 years and the Great Catsby is certainly a demonstration of what can be done today.
Not only were they wonderful hosts, but they offered lots of advice which seems to be turning out to be good.
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