Friday, February 22, 2008

2008 calendar photos

Every year, we do our own calendar, using some of the best photos from the year before. These are them.

Jan New York and sunsets at Beaufort, SC

Feb Bev at the helm on the Chesapeake.

Bev with her catfish at Stuart, Fl

March Dismal Swamp, Virginia

Intercoastal in Georgia


Fireworks on the Rideau,
Sailing on Big Rideau Lake
My daughter Andrea and her beau, Vincent at our house.

Sunrise at Elizabeth City, NC

Sunset at Beaufort, SC
Fishing off our dock at home
Laughter on Big Rideau: Bev and her sister in law Darla

The Atlantic at Vero Beach
Friends boat (Party for two) at Vero
Friends boat (Joanne Marie) on the intercoastal

Bev's family

Sunrise on the intercoastal in Florida

good times on the Big Rideau as we were being escorted out of town

Our house in winter

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